Thursday, June 12, 2008

Video from Independence day. And Emiles rambles!

We have been busy having fun with Nanna, GrandDad and aunty Vivienne for the past week and .......... Talia was admitted to Hospital...after they lost her original files and blood test results, but that's another story. N,G & V only have 2 more days here so ,making the most of it!! Talia has improved but believe me, without a diagnosis!! I have lost quite a lot of respect for my culture!!!....It's absolutely unbelievible.
The kids are great and are missing home, school and friends! Elizabeth is coping well and is the strongest of us all...She jokes about not getting sick! It's nice having N, G and V here. It's been very good, it'll be sad to see them go. Sorry again we cant reply to all your emails sooner!! but we do read them all!! We will get to replying to them all!!

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