Thursday, June 5, 2008


Nanna enjoying the garden at Ritas Lodge
Shade under the Cocoa tree....look closely!
1st on the right!
At Faleolo Airport. We were all pleased to see Nanna, Gran Dad and Aunty Vivienne arivving!! More pics to come in the 1st 24 hours we have accomplished a lot!


Anonymous said...

hey guys
we so sorry for not writing sooner good to see you all so well and all your photos look awesome. I love the look of that beach. lol. Currently snowing in various parts of sth Is but nelson just gets the cold wind.
Church is going good and missing all the girls smiley faces. any way now that we have found you we will write often maybe send you pics of us not as brown as you guys though cause its WINTER !!!
LOL enjoy the sun.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, I have just found your blog site. Great to see all the photos and hear the news. We did wonder how you got on during that fateful day of 28th April but you obviously got to your destination. Sounds like you have done heaps already. The beaches look amazing. Was interested to read about the way teachers treat children! Look forward to keeping in touch. Bless ya heaps! The Carsons

The Grey Family in Samoa said...

Missing ya all heaps!! Our church family and friends!! The relaxing stress free tropical holiday is starting to kick in thanks to all your prayers!! More to come....And what a culture shock !! From the Grey tribe