Monday, April 21, 2008

5 more sleeps!

We are getting there!! I, Emile, have found how many clothes I have that I don't wear and don't fit! I found over the net that Internet in Samoa is expensive. Fortunately our first 5 nights at the 'Insel ferma'(spelling may not be correct...German name) will have internet access so we will get back to ya all as soon as we arrive. Maleina's Blog is in the process of getting set up but as I write Elizabeth and I are thinking it may just be better to have keep a general family Blog...Cost and unknown speed??
What will we miss the most?......The girls are in Bed so I'll ask them tomorrow. Maleina is not too well and Elizabeth is glued to the news? :-) I guess we wont find out until we get there! I'm hoping Samoa has fast internet access!! If it doesn't then that's got to be it for me!! I just asked Elizabeth the question, ...... still glued to the TV! :-)

To be fair the photo is of last nights Chick Flick "Rumor has it" which I did not watch!!

One of my goals is to write a book after I first visit the tomb of Robert Louis Stevenson on Mt Vaia. No it isn't going to be some fictional Pacific island romance or Family adventure....It'll be about "From where once came from" to the present......I haven't written a book before and this is the most Iv'e written in one sitting on the net.

Well I'll have up what our individual goals are and what special thing is that we would like to do while in Samoa.

(Children a bit scratchy getting to sleep at nights, Elizabeth up from TV doing the 1,2,3, count....or else. I won't get into what the else is because Sue Bradford may read this. :-) and on that note I better get back to packing!!

Best news yet....we can take our vodafone mobile and use in Samoa! Just update sim card. hmmm....May be cheaper to connect through the mobile, we'll find out no doubt!!

God Bless

Emile Grey

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