Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Palolo Deep Marine Reserve
We had a school outing to the reserve today, it was amazing! Just like swimming in the Nemo film, we decided we just about saw all the fish except for Nemo perhaps he is still lost after all!!! My favourite were the florescent blue and green ones that looked like they glowed in the water and this white, blue, black and orange one that had racing stripes down the side with black and blue stripes between its big googly eyes! The coral and sea weed was pretty interesting as well, shame we don’t have an underwater camera, but you will just have to imagine these wonderful creatures. Think the locals would think nothing of eating them! Yes just as well Emile wasn’t feeling 100% or we might have been having a fisherman’s basket for dinner? The girls are keen to return and venture out to the hole next time, but it is about 500m of shore.


Anonymous said...

6 weeks to go and we'll see you. Minus 2 degrees overnight here, so looking forward to warmer weather. Kids are getting masks, fins and snorkels all ready to go. Marine reserve looks great, we'll bring the underwater camera with us. Jessica has written a chart of all the activities we are going to do - we'll look like fish, as swimming is on the agenda lots and lots. See you soon. Belinda

The Grey Family in Samoa said...

Catch you soon!! All excited!!