Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Iv'e been told to chill out and relax!! And give my comments to the proof reader.
Our story will be on the blog soon!!

Don't forget to check out Maleina's and Leilani's Pages!! Thanks for your prayers, emails and all that jazzy stuff.

Tofa soifua for now.


Lineham said...

Hi, we miss you all heaps. Hope you are all better now. You are often in our prayers. The girls miss you.

The Grey Family in Samoa said...

Thanks. We're missing everthing and everyone so much! The assumption of some tropical relaxing laid back holiday is getting there thanks to everyones prayers!! Thinking of ya, The Greys

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone. Never a dull moment for you all!! Hope you're all settling back into normality now that your visitors and mysterious illness are gone. We all enjoy checking out the photos and your stories. Great blogs girls - we look forward to seeing more updates soon. Regards from the Reid Family