Monday, May 19, 2008

My B'day in Samoa

What a view!!

B’day boy had a wonderful evening out with the family. We went to the Apia Yacht club in Mulinu’u all of 5 minutes from Apia. We got a table out on over the sea, (Must make reservation for those spots) and the food was good old deep fried tucker! We all had either had fish and chips or chicken nuggets, B’day boy got a sea food basket which was……all deep fried with fries, not flies J It wasn’t long before the place filled up and evening drew upon us, it was a great inexpensive evening. All up it cost us $75:00 NZ including desert for the 6 of us! I’ll have to bike it off tomorrow and check my sugar levels to see the damage done but hey……only one day! The service was great tho they did have a system of paying straight after ordering the meal which was odd, we thought. Again a great spot to have a dinner out to cool off once the sun has set. Highly recommend!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday old fella

The Grey Family in Samoa said...

ha ha...Just recieved email that Charles did not approve me taking the laptop. oooops!