Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The first 2 days in Samoa

It’s been 2 days now and there is a slight panic in the air as to where are we going to live after

Saturday? Today is Wednesday L While we were having dinner Latia popped out with “People are poor” When asked why she shrugged her shoulders. We think that it may have been our experience in the market place and in the middle of it all! We are so so fortunate to have what we do! I guess it’s no different to any other developing nation, stay on the tourist path with your guides and cheafuers and you’ll only see “good images”

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The hotel shuttle dropped us off here at the visitors information centre, the market and the real Samoa is about a 10 minute walk to our left and the up toward the local bus terminal.

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This photo is Luutuanu’u, my mother in the back round with photos of members of the family.

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These are the 3 little pigs posing for us at the back of the fale.Samoa2 030 (Medium).jpg

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Elizabeth at the back of our village Fale. Posing :-)

Catch you all later....hopefully in our own place! Pray, hope and do what ever you do, that we get a rental property in the next 3 days!!

The Grey Clan

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