Monday, June 30, 2008

Photos of Funeral

Yours truely doing his bit!! I have to! Untitled men dont sit down here!! After making 3 hundred sandwiches and other things it's time to move on!!
Procession to Deceased's home to be buried in front of.
My, our, The village beach, It's like heaps of shells, white sand and all belonging to the family.
Kids and wife enjoying what the village beach.
The distribution of part
Feeding the choir.....there's more!! The best (fatest pigs, corned beef and the first givings go to the ministers...) We came last but still there was enough food!! Chech out the plastic and polysterene........?????
My Uncle, in white, the desceased and his wife Pulu just walking in front
One of the pigs and a cuzzy
Aunty Falasama (as cool as ever!) Runs in the family1


Pete's Blog said...

It is great to read your adventures. Carolyn White is on her way from Nelson to Samoa and wants to know if you want anything. She is going to bring some school supplies but needs a contact. If you post a contact by tomorrow she will get it.
Looking forward to seeing you. Pete Mitchener

The Grey Family in Samoa said...

We have made contact with her and all is sweet with the girls !! But not the island boy!! Blood tests and stuff, I know now why some of our ancestors chose to paddle to Aotearoa! Cooler!

Anonymous said...

Carolyn says she will be at the Edens Edge Hotel Togafuafua Saturday and Sunday 5th and 6th, will have some reading software and books for you.