Monday, May 26, 2008

Our Saturday around the from the West and our Village sunday

I'm sure there's a conspiracy....I LOVE PUKEKOs!
Cousins and Family before lunch in Luutuanu'u
Another village shot.....Its the way I grew up!
Lefaga Bay
Virgin Cove beach

Thought of Dan and Amy straight away
An odd Flower
Enjoying Lefaga Bay

Here are some photos of our Saturday Travels around the other half of Upolu. Meaning we left heading west and then back through centre of the island back over to Apia, via Vailima. Apart from the usual village scenes that we have gotten use to which really consist of Fales (Far Lez), A compound called a Malae, (Ma Lie) and then a fale fono, (for nor) Meeting house. Traditional meeting houses are oval in shape and each pole represents a seating of a particular matai or chief. The Malae is the area in front of the Fale Fono and used both for informal village gatherings and games and formal fa’alavelaves. (Far a Love air Love airS) I only saw 2 traditional shaped Fale Fonos whith the 2 centre poles(Don’t knoe what they mean yet. We were following the map……which was very inaccurate however we spied an ideal spot for a swim that cost nothing. This was at the Savaia Biodiversity Project. It was awesomely clear sea water. We had quite a few of the local lads around swimming in the shaded pool, that was cool! Smiles, fun and Samoan humour!! Ya can’t beat that!!
We stayed had lunch and had fun! We did take a picture of an unusual flower that Elizabeth noticed on the side of the road…Red into white. We also learnt thanks to the worker at The Robert Louis Stevenson Parks and Officers office in Valima, she gave us some awesome posters of native Birds and trees and guess what……There are Pukekos here in Samoa!! The Samoan name is Manuia Li’I (Mun new a li eee) English name Purple Swamp Hen.
Highlight for the day knowing the friendly islands do exist and you can have a good time with the locals!! Obviously the further away you get from Apia, suburbia and the hustle bustle the more laid back people are! The Samoa I remember!!
We’ll I’ll let the pictures do all the talking now! Maleina is holding another Sea Cucumber. Appreciate the texts, emails and calls! Thanks!!!
From the Grey Tribe
PS: Penny M……What village is the pool in again?
Don't forget our Sanail Mail address is PO BOX 9503 Apia, Samoa
Sunday came along quick and since we had the rental we went over to my village Luutuanu’u to have Sunday “Tona’I” (Tore nah eee) We had a wonderful lunch and it was great catching up with family!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention. Love the photo and you are right. That is so us in a year or so. Amy. P.S will email you in a day or two.