Friday, May 16, 2008

Leilani's Story. At the old Parliament building.

Leilani our future polititian
Inside the building
The old Parliament building.

The current Parliament building

The current Parliament building
Today we went to town. We went to the old parliament building. We got to go inside the building. There isn’t any cushion on the chairs apart from up the front. It is a very old building. It also has a weird roof. After that we went across the road to the beach. The water was nice and calm. We didn’t go swimming in the sea. We saw some, crabs, star fish, and lots of fish. There where some chickens there. I took some photos of the wolf. There was a man fishing in between these sticks that are sticking out of the sand under the water. Then we started to walk back to town. On the way we stope din the shade and had a banana and a drink of water. Then we carried on walking. We started walking through the garden to get some shade. We finally got to a tree that we could sit under. We sat under a tree and had a biscuit and some water while mum was writing down what she needed at the market. Then we went to the molieses super market to get some donuts for lunch and we got some ice blocks and smile face biscuits. After going to the super market we went to the market. We got some taro as well as palusami and this other thing for tea. The last thing that we did was go to famer Joe. We got four pineapple pies, two smile face biscuits, sausage rolls, three of them, crackers and corn beef that is also for tea. We went home in a taxi. When we got home we had our pineapple pie. The twins had a smile face biscuit. We had a very long and busy day and we stall had the chicken pocks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there everyone
It is great reading your blog and I really liked your story Leilani. You're a good writer.
So school didn't work out the way you hoped. Sure doesn't sound too good.
[I wrote a comment a few days ago but lost it when i went to publish it, so I hope it works this time.] I have to go and photocopy the newsletter now so better go. Bless you all...Love
Margaret Greep