Friday, May 9, 2008

1sta day at school!!

Hello there. Our new school is Lepea primary school. It's a 15 minute walk from home. It starts at 8:30 and finishes and 1:30 It gets hot in the class. It was and still is a culture shock for us all!! There were a few tears but mu,m and Dad hung around!! We did not go to school today because Mum and Dad are concerned at how the children are treated by teachers....some teachers and some trainee teachers. The kids are smacked with rulers on their heads and our first assembly we saw 2 girls getting smacked across the face! Yesterday the trainee teacher made Maleina cry and growled off Latia for hugging mum. It is a Government school and Dad is not very pleased at how the children are treated!!
Lapea is just west of Apia. We will have some more photos later. Leilani now has the Chicken Pox.
Love and miss you all!! The Grey Clan.


Anonymous said...

Hi the Greys!
I had been thinking a couple of weeks ago that you must be about due to head off on your adventure soon. Will take you some time to feel settled and like Samoa is "home for now" no doubt, but it'll happen. Having a great time in Singapore so far, although thoughts of Nelson are never too far from my mind, and am looking forward to going home in November. Have been checking the school website fairly regularly to keep an eye on everything - make sure they're keeping things ticking over in my absence!!, and hence how I found your blog link. Hope the issues with Samoan schools sort themselves out, and that the pox doesn't hang around for too long!
Have fun, this is going to change your lives (in a good way, of course). Take care.
Liz Shaw.

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys
Great to have a look at your site and see what you have been up to. Adam was telling me all about it so had to have a look for myself. Just wanted to let you know Liz that Wednesday Netball started today!!! We had a draw which was fantastic. Funny how I thought about you when I was at netball and then Adam talking about you guys at tea time. Great to see Miss Shaw's message. Take care guys and will be in touch again.
Cheers Trudy Brown