Monday, April 28, 2008

Bed time..........

At the end of a long and 'adveturist' day we have now finished our milos and are getting ready for bed!! The next time you hear from the Grey Clan will be from Samoa and like Iv'e told many others...even if it means our travel agent paddling a canoe with us in it, we will get there!!

Thanks to all those who have offered help and assistance, greatly appreciated!! As long as Maleina has her 4 Weet Bix, she'll be right!! Talia and Latia are Toast girls while Leilani........depends on what everyone else is having. No more home made jam or preserves how ever we will give it a go in Samoa. So many things to do!!

We are taking some seeds so watching them grow in a tropical climate will be interesting!!

Good night

From the Grey Family

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