Thursday, October 9, 2008


We are home now in Nelson New Zealand!! But it wont stop here! Thanks to all those who came to the airport!! It was mighty great to see you all!! We'll still be updating this Blog with post Samoa rambles and ponders........cheers and God Bless!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Last Entry in Samoa

We'll miss the FRESH fruit!!
Donating school books to luatuanu'u Primary school

We got to have my mothers ?? birthday here!
Creepy crawlies
Happy wife ;-)
Wonderful tasting.......Sasalapa Palagi. Looks can be decieving.
Beautiful sun sets
Lovely friendly children
Meeting and making new friends............We will be Back!!

This will probably be our last blog entry before we head home, with just over a week to go, time will race by. We have to be out of the house by Friday, so we are busy packing and shopping!! We are heading to the village for a night then to Lalomanu for the weekend. Everyone is looking forward to getting home, I think we have had sufficient time in each others company and it is time to get back to school routine for all! Although we are leaving behind the white sandy beaches, the tropical fruits, the coconut palms, the dogs & puppies, the roosters, the church bells at 5.00am, Plantation House, the creepy crawlies, along with family and friends. Stoke, Nelson sounds really inviting even if it is still a bit cold! I am sure the Grey family will be back in Samoa sometime in the future. I just have the mission of getting us packed back into 5 suitcases that weigh less than 20 kgs each. Emile has the task of packing the bikes up.
For those of you that have missed us SO much and couldn’t bear another day without the Grey’s!! We are due to arrive home on Air New Zealand flight NZ8367 at 4.50pm on Thursday the 9th October after a very long day, as we need to be at the airport here at 4.45am in the morning. Home, Yee-ha!! At least we don’t have to get adjusted to a time change as well, due to daylight saving we are the same time now.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone on our return. Thanks to all those who have kept in touch and have taken an interest in the activities of the Grey’s by checking out the blog. It has been a fantastic time even though it has had its challenges we have achieved our goals of the girls learning the language and more about the culture. The memories should last a lifetime even for the youngest members of the family, or the 14GBs of photos burnt to disc today should help them to remember!!!
See you all soon!
Elizabeth, Emile and Girls